
Above Board September Quarter


Welcome to the September quarter edition of Above Board, where we bring you the latest updates from Directors Australia to keep you informed and prepared in this fast-changing corporate landscape.

In this edition, we shed light on director remuneration, delve into the concept of cognitive diversity, navigate board trends, challenges and focus areas for the agriculture sector and share some exciting research news and webinars with you.

We are also looking forward to welcoming you in person on Thursday 12 October where we present “Governing in the Golden Decade: Building future-fit government boards”.

Happy reading,

Kerryn Newton
Chief Executive Officer
Directors Australia

Do you sit on, or recruit for, government boards?

We are very excited to bring this event to you along with our distinguished panel members, Melissa Fletcher, Cameron Costello, Dr Robyn Littlewood and Peter Hyland, facilitated by Kerryn Newton.

Join us for a pivotal event that delves into the strategic positioning of government boards for the momentous occasion of the Brisbane Olympic and Paralympic Games, and beyond. This is a must-attend gathering to equip yourself with insights into the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in building resilient and future-ready government boards.

Agenda Highlights:

  • Insights from the Queensland Audit Office: Explore the key findings and recommendations from the Queensland Audit Office’s report ‘Appointing and renewing government boards’
  • Major project oversight: Understand the critical role of government boards in overseeing major project delivery and ensuring effective governance
  • Strategic workforce considerations: Delve into the strategic considerations for workforce management and development within government boards
  • Board composition learnings: Gain valuable insights into best practices for board composition and renewal, informed by real-work experiences.
Don’t miss this unique opportunity to engage with industry experts and thought leaders. Be part of the conversation shaping the future of government boards. Reserve your spot now and we look forward to seeing you on the 12th!

Register today >>

Director remuneration benchmarking challenges

Cognitive diversity and board performance

Joanne Peulen, Board and Governance Specialist, explores alternative data sources and key factors that inform our director remuneration advice, and provides insights to the recommendation process..

Cognitive diversity is a pivotal factor in driving board performance and organisational success. Board and Governance Specialist, Suzanne Schultz explains the concept and outlines its profound significance.

Unlock Jo’s insights >>

Discover more about cognitive diversity >>

Business of the Games

Directors Australia hosted The Committee for Brisbane for an informative networking event. Barton Green, CEO of Committee for Brisbane shared valuable insights into the Olympic-related business opportunities for the Greater Brisbane region. We are excited for the potential for our region!

The Committee for Brisbane >>

Governing for Performance® webinar

Join us for a transformative webinar with board and governance specialists, Kerryn Newton (Chief Executive Officer) and Katie Simpson (General Manager Advisory). Discover the insights and strategies you need to position your board for success in 2024. Gain a forward-looking perspective on the challenges and opportunities your board may face in the coming year and explore strategies to enhance your board’s strategic positioning for optimal performance.

Register now >>

Research partnership

We are delighted to be part of the important research led by the Stewardship Asia Centre at a time requiring global leadership in sustainability. Directors Australia is the Australian partner in this Asia-Pacific wide research study alongside 12 other distinguished organisations across 12 countries in the region.

Find out more >>

Board recruitment webinar

Are you aspiring to join a board or looking to strengthen your board with the right talent? Join us for an insightful webinar led by Vanessa Jolly, General Manager Recruitment at Directors Australia. Vanessa is an accomplished executive human resources leader and brings a wealth of experience in board recruitment. This webinar is your chance to gain valuable insights into finding the perfect board role or securing the ideal candidate for your board.

Register now >>

Recruiting before Christmas or in early 2024?

The countdown is on to the last board meeting of the year (and Christmas). To run an effective board recruitment process it is ideal to allow 8-12 weeks. To secure Directors Australia to recruit for your board, board committee or advisory board before Christmas or early in 2024 now is the perfect time to get in touch.

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Meet our team | Exclusive insights from Brondwen MacLean

Board and Governance Specialist, Brondwen MacLean shares trends, challenges and insights for success when working with agricultural boards.

Read Brondwen’s insights here >>

Highlights from the quarter

Katie Simpson

Vanessa Jolly

Katie Simpson | Advisory

in**@di****************.com” href=”mailto:ka***********@di****************.com” data-original-string=”X1AA88FPupud0JFCR2sY+FZ2ndrzhQ0mFt6Ykxa7u92tBtUfOeUIEmmU5QnfY/7y” title=”This contact has been encoded by Anti-Spam by CleanTalk. Click to decode. To finish the decoding make sure that JavaScript is enabled in your browser.?subject=Advisory%20inquiry”>Contact Katie >>

During the quarter we partnered with Independent Schools’ Queensland to launch a research paper ‘Navigating Remuneration Decisions for Independent School Boards’, designed to support boards working through the complexities of director remuneration with the independent school context. We also saw an increase in boards reviewing board composition and director remuneration, as well as beginning early-stage planning for annual strategy and risk workshops to be held over the next six months.

Vanessa Jolly | Recruitment

va***********@di****************.com” href=”mailto:va***********@di****************.com” data-original-string=”NgsUsXALrIc31k7dMpf9vMmhHMIEzYXIM1PudO2H8QVJ9hQVPkgfuUzRay2iaKsg” title=”This contact has been encoded by Anti-Spam by CleanTalk. Click to decode. To finish the decoding make sure that JavaScript is enabled in your browser.?subject=Recruitment%20inquiry”>Contact Vanessa >>

Our recruitment team have been busy again this quarter, as is often the lead up to the AGM’s in November. We continue to source very specific ‘unicorns’ for our valued clients across all sectors in Australia with skills such as a fantastic First Nations director with deep legal expertise; a clinician with strong clinical governance expertise and a lived experience with disability; and a Northern Australia cattle farmer with solid ESG experience. We were also thrilled to collaborate with EY, Bond University, the National Rural Women’s Coalition and Grains Research Development Corporation as expert guest panellists.

Kerryn Newton |
The Board Whisperer

Catch up or rewatch >>

The Board Whisperer this quarter has explored topics including The Importance of Trust; Delegations of Authority; Nominations Committee; Presenting to Boards; Volunteer Directors; Cognitive Diversity and Where do Boards Meet. Tune in to Kerryn’s The Board Whisperer via LinkedIn and join the conversation!

Want to know more?

Directors Australia delivers you the right people, insights and strategies to govern effectively.
Learn more about our services below.

Board and governance advisory >>

Specialist director recruitment >>


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